The Doctors & Nurses Virtual Induction Passport provides mandatory e-learning, aligned to clinical needs via different pathways (by grade and speciality). The pathways are time bound providing doctors Á nurses with learning at key points of their journey through the pathway. Compliance reporting is easy and the system manages users across hundreds of specialties leading to improved clinical safety.

Pathway of mandatory learning mapped to different timelines and an example of responsive e-learning courses built with LAB Advanced displayed on an iPad

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The doctors VIP system provides assurance and oversight to demonstrate; clinical safety, maintenance of standards, patient expectations and equality and diversity requirements.

The system provides accurate reports which can be used by hospital management and regulatory bodies to audit and review compliance linked to mandatory training standards at all levels, to fulfil the needs of quality assurance and improvement processes.

The aim of the VIP is to unify the medical induction curriculum. Customisable pathways allow for different timescales and modules. Currently there are 47 modules available on the pathways but modules can be added where appropriate.

Instead of general text based courses the VIP uses video scenario based modules and the material is relevant to each specialty. Questions throughout the modules track decisions and reports can highlight decision making errors.

The VIP covers the following specialties and many more:

  • Neurosurgery
  • Ortho & Trauma Surgery
  • Anesthesia
  • General Surgery
  • Internal Medicine
  • Urology
  • Neurology
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Diagnostic Radiology
  • Pediatrics
  • Psychiatry


Provides induction training for doctors across the UK mapped to specific roles
Consistent approach to induction content to avoid repetition of learning
Option for doctors to access the programme prior to commencement of post
Powerful administrative tools to check compliance rates broken down by specialty
Timescales dictate when modules should be completed in a learner's plan
Manageable e-learning material for administrators and educators
Supervisory staff can keep track of the doctors progress with quick reports
Content developed by subject experts with video scenarios
Automatic email alerts non-completions is flagged for supervisor action
Extensive reporting and auditing on all aspects of the system